
How To Keep Birds Off Tv Antenna

 How to Bird Proof your Idiot box antenna

In that location is a good old maxim in the industry that birds are adept for business organisation!

The distressing news is; there is practically no way to stop birds roosting on your TV antenna. They volition discover a way one way or another. There are dozens of fantastic ideas that creative people have come up with but none that are worth the time, effort or expense. What you actually need is a bird proof antenna.

Reasons why people desire to stop birds roosting on the Idiot box Antenna

  • The bird business – Birds poo on your roof, your foot path, freshly painted tiles or color bond or worse
  • Breaking the elements of your antenna which furnishings your Goggle box indicate and digital TV reception
  • Solar Console damage – solar panels are becoming more and more pop and if your Television receiver antenna is in the wrong position the roosting birds will poo on and effect the performance of your solar panels.

What is this bird proof antenna you speak of?

The TV Magic Hybrid antenna is a bird proof antenna to an extend. IT completely stops birds breaking the elements effecting Idiot box reception. It however does not terminate them from sitting on the shaft of the antenna. The shaft is shift and stiff and won't break even with the heavy large birds like cockatoos only the bird business is still and issue. If it's mounted off yoru fascia board and the bird business is going onto your footpath or clothesline, it can exist moved and mounted elsewhere with what'southward called a tripod.

If its positioned where information technology may cause damage to your solar panels, one time again it tin be moved professionally. Television set Magic can aid you with both of these.

What others have tried to stop birds roosting all together

The Ziptie method.

Gauge iii hours is spent putting close to 1400 zipties around each and every unmarried element the entire length so that at that place is no real comfort for the birds to sit. This does piece of work but for 1. For 14 packets of 100 zipties is $140 and secondly the plastic of the zipties concluding merely approximately 12 months in the sun before they become brittle and start to autumn off. At present you take plastic rubbish in your gutters.

The 'Scary' True cat /Crow method.

Many aa peoplehave tried mounting a plastic, wooden 'scare tactic' like a cat on the antenna. Birds are merely too smart of this. They acquire that it's not real and can odour that it'southward non real – You'll have birds roosting on your antenna within a week

The fake ophidian method.

This has the aforementioned effectiveness as the faux true cat method. In fact we silicone a fake snaked onto the elements of an antenna we installed (as insisted by the customer who went out and bought one) and we were literally coming back down the ladder and a bird was on there before I had fifty-fifty finished the job!

The electric bird deterant

TThere are some $100ish battery powered 'blossom shaped' gadgets that are specifically designed to stop roosting birds. They accept a small electric current (very small voltage) designed not to kill the bird only deter it from roosting or landing on the Telly antenna. These are actually quite effective but nosotros hear that the battery needs replacing every 2-three months. So ifyou're prepared to become upward on the roof every two-three months then go for it!

Not a practical solution in our optics.

And then in that location yous have it. Information technology's why the proverb stands in the industry. Birds are proficient for business. You really practice desire to try the Television Magic Hybrid. It is designed and features no plastic joins that get britte and break from roosting birds. In fact the elements are deliberately designed to be too thin for birds claws to agree on to the elements preventing the large birds from breaking the elements of our antenna. It lives up to the claim of existence a Bird Proof TV Antenna more than than anything else on the market place.

How To Keep Birds Off Tv Antenna,


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