
How To Keep Track Of Calls For Quality Assurance

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Your contact centre plays a disquisitional role in the client experience (CX). It'due south a direct connection to your customers. And companies that provide exceptional client experiences use this trait to differentiate their brand from the contest.

And then, how do you provide the best possible customer experience?

A quality assurance (QA) plan forms the foundation of exceptional CX by providing physical data to help yous determine if you're meeting goals, following correct processes, remaining compliant, and achieving the outcomes you demand.

But instead of looking at the entire complex QA puzzle today, nosotros're going to break information technology down into one essential piece: call quality monitoring. It's why every client service center has the same bulletin for callers: "For quality and training purposes, this telephone call may exist recorded or monitored."

So how exactly does telephone call quality monitoring work, why is information technology important, and what steps should you have to develop effective telephone call quality monitoring?

What is Call Quality Monitoring?

Telephone call quality monitoring is more than just recording and monitoring random calls. To measure telephone call quality, you'll want to monitor and analyze strategic customer service calls and scrutinize their efficiency and effectiveness, with a abiding goal of converting every caller into a satisfied customer.

And while client satisfaction can wait different for every contact center, there are a few elements critical to the beefcake of a high-quality customer service call:

  • Proper tone of voice
  • Skilled listening
  • Normal speaking speed
  • The correct language
  • Effective questioning, including the employ of open, probing, and closed questions
  • Skillful rapport
  • Demonstrated emotional intelligence
  • Solid call/conversation closeout
  • Well-managed customer expectations
  • Appropriate use of script

In addition, co-ordinate to Zendesk's 2022 Customer Experience Trends Report:

  • 73% of customers say quick resolutions are the top cistron of good customer service.
  • 47% of customers believe 24/7 support is critical.
  • 75% of customers want a personalized feel.
  • 69% of customers want to resolve as much equally possible on their own.

How well all of the above elements work together determines each call's quality. The customer should always hang up feeling positive about their experience. They should accept a clear solution, know how to avoid the same issue in the future, and accept no farther questions.

5 Steps to Effective Call Quality Monitoring Best Practices

There'due south no incertitude that contact centers must dive deep into every call to gain detailed insight that can be analyzed, interpreted, shared, and acted upon. Only and then tin can the customer feel become the fundamental to your success. But how do y'all go started?

Let take a look at the five steps it takes to gear up up effective call quality monitoring in your contact centre.

Step one: Develop a Quality Assurance Squad

To brainstorm monitoring telephone call quality, you'll want to develop a quality assurance team. This team—typically made upward of your contact middle managers, supervisors, and loftier-performing call center agents—must thoroughly understand your make of customer service. They'll utilize insights nigh your company and your ideal customer experience to gear up up every attribute of your QA procedure, including setting your call quality standards.

Footstep two: Set Your Phone call Quality Standards & KPIs

Your quality standards and KPIs are how yous will approximate the success or failure of every customer call. Without standards, you won't know whether you're hit or missing your goals. The central is to break downwardly your customer service into a fix of behaviors, rules, goals, and benchmarks that every interaction should encounter.

You might look at factors like customer sentiment postal service-transaction, employee appointment, and product/service efficacy. Your quality standards should also include:

  • Business Standards that constitute a documented approach to call QA and ensure higher functioning. Questions to respond include:
    • Did the agent identify the customer correctly, peculiarly if they were a key account?
    • Was the phone call routed to the agent with the right skills, knowledge, and necessary experience?
    • Did the call software part as it should?
    • Did the agent follow all company procedures while on the phone call?
  • Client Standards that mensurate how well the amanuensis understood the customer'southward trouble and provided a solution. Questions to answer include:
    • Were the customer's needs addressed—even if the client did non country them?
    • Did the agent provide a "wow" experience?
    • Did the amanuensis demonstrate empathy and emotional intelligence?
    • Did the agent provide additional value through products and services (sales)?
  • Procedure Standards that review what happened later on every customer telephone call. Questions to respond include:
    • Did the amanuensis gather feedback from the customer on how they perceived the call?
    • Did the agent consummate a self-scorecard to identify, quantify, and empathise how well they handled the call?
  • Compliance Standards that outline the rules and regulations necessary to legally remain open for concern. Questions to reply include:
    • Did the agent run across all compliance standards?

And don't forget to measure these common KPIs as well!

  • Average Handle Time: AHT measures the average amount of fourth dimension your agents spend to resolve customer service calls. It includes fourth dimension spent on hold, delays, transfers, and follow-up actions. For all-time results, combine AHT scores with your customer satisfaction scores to more accurately determine what timing is most effective for helping customers. For example, if ten minutes is considered the average handle time to completely satisfy a client, a call that's only two minutes in length may raise a red flag.
  • Net Promoter Score: NPS should be at the heart of your contact center QA strategy. It measures how likely your customers are to recommend your brand to their family and friends.
  • Start Call Resolution Rate: Customers honey to have their questions answered the start time around. The lower your FCR rate, the more productive your call center is. The result: college satisfaction levels.

Step 3: Implement Tools to Assist Monitor, Analyze, and Meliorate

There are many quality monitoring solutions suitable for contact center QA. Hither are a few tools that tin help you get the virtually out of your call quality monitoring program:

  • Call Recording Software captures 100% of your calls securely and reliably. You lot'll be able to filter, search, and playback calls equally needed for QA, preparation, and evaluation purposes.
  • QA Self-Scorecards serve as a grading rubric for calls, emails, chats, text messages, and social media. Information technology's a list of requirements and standards that every customer interaction must attain to exist considered successful. A QA scorecard helps you make up one's mind if your agents run into the quality standards set in place.
  • Text Analytics allows y'all to analyze text and extract insight about sentiment, emotion, client issues, trends, and central phrases. Text analytics helps you intermission downward of import customer information from real text conversations.
  • Oral communication Analytics Software reviews every client conversation automatically and translates it into automobile-readable text. Spoken communication analytics uses text analysis and pattern spotting to categorize interactions co-ordinate to a set of custom rules.

Other QA tools yous should consider using include analytics and reporting software, call center script, cocky-aid knowledge base of operations, and predictive analytics. Each of these tools is designed to ameliorate the customer experience, enhance productivity, and increase profitability.

Pace 4: Clarify Quality Monitoring and Get to the Root Cause

Now it's time to analyze the information from your contact center'south phone calls. Assess amanuensis functioning against your standards and KPIs, then make appropriate adjustments to behaviors as needed. Just exist certain your quality standards align with your company'due south priorities and thus business relationship for amanuensis behaviors that are essential to success.

Your QA team tin help you identify recurring problems or behaviors that have emerged across multiple agents. For example, yous might notice creep up on customer hold time or diverse product issues that require the aforementioned problem resolution. Information technology's essential to determine the reason backside the recurring problem and make appropriate adjustments based on the more circuitous issue instead of the nigh obvious.

For instance, instead of telling your agents that they demand to pick upwards phone calls faster, later review, you lot might detect that customer agree time is increasing considering you recently released a new production that's demanding more customer service. In this instance, you could invest in more online customer service tools to support your team's efforts and meliorate their efficacy.

Important Notation: Focus on both the negatives and positives of each of your agents during the call QA review process. It'southward this balance of their strengths and weaknesses that will help you make the most improvements and lasting change in your contact centre.

Step 5: Implement Agent Training to Improve the Client Experience

As you review agent calls, y'all'll notice amanuensis functioning trends and related patterns in customer satisfaction. These insights can help yous identify knowledge gaps within your call heart and so you can provide high-quality preparation and amanuensis development.

After all, quality monitoring and analysis without a programme for making changes that ameliorate customer satisfaction is useless. Your phone call quality monitoring program should include tools to assist manage, rails, and achieve training goals, such as a phone call eye learning management system (LMS).

An LMS is an all-in-ane training solution that makes it easier to offer advanced learning and development based on the specific preparation needs revealed in the QA procedure. It tin aid you by offering the ability to develop and manage courses, assign agents, streamline course omnipresence, and scale all of your grooming.


When done correctly, telephone call quality monitoring—alongside a QA program—provides your team with detailed information insights nigh your agents and your customers. These insights assist you optimize your contact centre'southward financial ROI past finding and fixing broken processes, revealing areas for improvement, and directly influencing management's decisions regarding customer service.

And the results of successful call quality monitoring and infrequent customer experiences speak for themselves:

  • In 2022, threescore% of U.Southward. customers did more than business concern with companies that provided good client service.
  • 77% of customers say they're more loyal to businesses that offering top-notch service.
  • 50% of customers will take their business concern elsewhere after simply one bad experience.
  • Companies that excel at the customer experience bulldoze revenues iv% to 8% higher.

Investing in call quality assurance will ensure your business doesn't just survive, but it thrives!

Interested in learning more?

Download the eBook, The Ultimate Guide To Call Center Quality Assurance, for tangible recommendations around implementing Quality Balls (QA) guidelines in your call centre.

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