
How To Keep Nightcrawlers Alive For A Long Time

Worm Care Instructions

Cupped Bait Worms Euro Driftworm 6-Pack

Instructions on caring for the worms you lot received for angling bait:

  • Please place the worms in your containers with fresh bedding as presently equally possible.  Punch a few holes in the chapeau of your containers to allow air for the worms.  They will accept consumed the bedding in the handbag during transit.  Utilise a compost material from a landscape supply or garden center as bedding. NOTE:  Make sure that the compost cloth yous purchase does Non contain whatever chemic fertilizer.  The wet content of the compost is ordinarily sufficient for the worms.
  • A 32-ounce container with about 1-two dozen worms and filled with moist compost should go on the worms healthy and agile for almost three weeks.
  • Store them out of directly sunlight at a temperature betwixt 50 and 85 degrees.  These special "crawlers" volition really thrive at these warm temperatures. If you lot can resist the urge to "just keep these a fiddling cool" and follow these specific instructions, you will be pleased with the functioning of these lively worms.  Red Wigglers (Red Worms) and Euro Nightcrawlers (Euro Driftworms) should be stored in a absurd dry location. Practice not store them in fridge!  Canadian Nightcrawlers should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • If you lot have any worms left at the stop of the three weeks, you can place the worms in fresh bedding for another three weeks.  The fabric left in the cup after the three week menstruation contains generally worm castings and is a neat fertilizer for whatsoever kind of indoor or outdoor plant.  In improver to the castings, there may exist baby worm cocoons in the cup and could hatch to produce tiny baby worms that are about ¼ inch long.

Instructions on caring for composting worms:

The type of home composters vary widely from simple plastic trays to a commercially bachelor worm bins.  The type of worm bin needed basically depends on a person's composing needs and price range.

A basic bin should be at least 8"-16" deep with a lid to keep out flies and rodents, holes in the lesser (one/4" or smaller) for ventilation and drainage (raise bins on bricks or wooden blocks and place a tray underneath to capture excess liquid, which tin be used as worm tea (liquid establish fertilizer).

We likewise proudly bearThe "Original" Worm Manufactory Composting Organization.  The Worm Factory comes with total instructions and everything you need to become started.  Bachelor every bit a iii-Tray, 4-Tray or 5-Tray system.  Information technology is made in the USA, is constructed from high quality recycled plastic, and has a limited 5-year warranty on materials and workmanship.  Click hither for more information.

The "Original" Worm Manufacturing plant 3-Tray Arrangement.

Bedding Materials
Black and white newspaper is a good item to apply every bit bedding materials.  Newspaper must exist torn into strips about one-inch broad and moistened.   One to two inches of soil or compost (which doesnot contain chemical fertilizers) should also be added as bedding material.  When new food is added, the food needs to be buried or new compost added to cover the food.  Every few months, a handful of soil, ground limestone, or well-crushed eggshells should as well be added for grit and calcium and to control Ph.   Endeavour to vary the bedding in the bin to provide more nutrients for the worms and create a richer compost.

Worms require wet to breathe and their bin should not be allowed to dry out.  It is important to accept sufficient moisture; however too much extra h2o may cause the worms to drown.

Worms are voracious eaters.  Once they get settled in, they will require a good supply of suitable food.  They like most vegetables and fruit scraps (except onions and citrus).  As worms exercise not have teeth, scraps should be cutting into small pieces.

Examples of what worms LIKE include the post-obit:

 apple cores or peels
 coffee grounds, java filters  crushed egg shells
 tea numberless
 fruit and vegetables (except onions, garlic, & citrus)
 soaked and ripped pizza boxes  dried breadstuff
 shredded and soaked cardboard  grass clippings

Practise NOT compost the following:

 Onion  Garlic/Onions
 Tin foil
 Dairy products  Citrus
 Rubber bands
 Twigs/branches  Meat/Bones  Domestic dog or true cat feces
 Greasy food  Glass  Plastic

NOTE:  Bury food/garden scraps into bedding or add together new layer of compost/soil over food

Worm bins can be used indoors or outdoors (during milder months).  Bins should be stored in a warm (65 - 90 degrees for Night Crawlers) and (40 – 80 degrees for red worms), nighttime, and dry out infinite.  Outdoor bins tin can be kept in sheds and garages, on patios and balconies, or in the thousand.  They should exist kept out of hot sun and heavy pelting.

Maintaining Worm Bin
One time the bin is set upwardly and worms have settled in, there is little to do except calculation food and making sure there is acceptable moisture until about two and a half months accept passed.  During this fourth dimension, it is important to divide the worms from the finished compost, otherwise the worms will brainstorm to die.  There are several ways to this.

  (ane)  Move the finished compost over to one side of the bin and place new bedding and food in the space created.  The worms will gradually move over and the finished compost tin be skimmed off equally needed.

(2)  A second manner is to dump the entire contents of the bin into a large plastic tarp or plastic sheet and separate the worms manually.  Sentinel out for whatsoever tiny football game shaped cocoons which incorporate between two and 20 baby worms.  Mix in a niggling of the worm castings with the new bedding of the next bin and shop the rest in plastic numberless for use as required. OR

(three)  Using our Worm Factory Composting System, all you demand to practice is remove the bottom tray with finished compost (the worms have already moved upwardly to the upper trays where in that location is fresh nutrient available.) VERY EASY!!


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