
How To Keep Your Gas Bill Low

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How to Reduce Your Gas Pecker

  • Brand some lifestyle changes
  • Switch gas supplier
  • Improve your home'south insulation
  • Upgrade to double or triple glazing
  • Do some draught-proofing
  • Get new floor coverings
  • Get a new thermostat
  • Insulate your pipes and hot water tank
  • Service or replace your boiler

Near homes in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland use gas for heating, hot water and/or cooking all yr round, and while gas bills are likely to be higher in winter, there are steps yous can take to reduce your gas bills and save money at any time.

One of the about effective ways to reduce gas bills is to replace an old boiler with a new, free energy efficient combi banality, simply equally there is upfront toll involved in a boiler replacement we accept also included some free and depression toll ways you lot can reduce your gas usage.

Make some lifestyle changes

Turning down the thermostat on your central heating by merely a couple of degrees can reduce your gas bills by as much every bit £lxxx-£100 per yr. Information technology may feel a fiddling colder in the habitation, merely you might be surprised how much of a deviation putting on a jumper and a pair of thick socks tin can make.

If there are people in your abode who have a habit of turning up the thermostat, explicate the importance of keeping the heating to a lower temperature whether it'south to reduce bills and/or your bear upon on the environment.

Turn off radiators in rooms which are rarely used and seal draughts coming from those rooms. Make certain that your internal doors are open throughout your home and you will keep the warm air moving through. If your doors are closed, the air flow procedure becomes slower, which uses more energy than allowing the heat to broadcast. Although yous may want to keep the warmth independent, you lot will be better off allowing the heat to period through your home.

Reschedule your heating

Yous may be able to switch heating off before and turn information technology back on over again a trivial afterwards. Homes which accept an average corporeality of insulation volition by and large retain heat for an hr afterward the heating has been turned off, so if everyone has left by 8am you lot should but need the boiler to be working until 7am. You should too exist able to turn your heating off an hr before you go to bed. If yous are able to invest in a smart thermostat this will requite you an even greater level of command over your heating schedule, but we'll talk about that in more detail after.

Decline water temperature

Your boiler should have a dial which enables you to lower the temperature of the hot water which comes out of your taps. If hot h2o is coming out which is likewise hot to affect, you are wasting gas and money so endeavor turning information technology downwards.

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Switch gas supplier

A lot of households in the UK stay with the same energy supplier without comparing their tariff to other suppliers. Switching (which is now easy to do via online comparison and switching services) tin can issue in meaning savings. In improver, many suppliers offer savings for customers who pay past monthly direct debit.

Improve your dwelling's insulation

Insulation is key to keeping your bills downwards, while helping your property stay warm in wintertime and cool in the summer. Your roof and loft should exist insulated as heat rises, along with either cavity or solid wall insulation.

Upgrade to double or triple glazing

All properties lose heat through their windows, but double or even triple glazing can keep your home warmer and quieter, every bit well as reducing your energy bills. Double glazed windows have two sheets of glass with a gap in betwixt, which traps the heat in, making your property more than comfy and energy efficient.

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Do some draught-proofing

One of the cheapest and well-nigh efficient ways to save energy and money is by draught-proofing your property. If y'all take whatever gaps around windows, doors and floors, cold air will exist permit in and the heat will be let out.

To effectively draught-proof your belongings, block up any unwanted gaps that let cold air in. This way, you will save the warm air in your dwelling house and therefore use less energy.

Hang heavy curtains

If you lot don't accept a lot of coin to spend on free energy efficiency improvements, there are cheaper options for y'all to consider. I of the easiest ways to keep your property warm is with heavy curtains.

Discover defunction with thermal lining, or line your electric current ones yourself with cheap fabric. Putting thick curtains up in every room will protect your property from losing heat through the windows. And recollect, drawing your curtains at dusk volition help to keep the estrus in when the common cold nights set in.

Go new floor coverings

An easy and fairly cheap way to end heat escaping through the floor (and to keep your toes warm!) is with floor coverings. This could be a nice cosy rug or a rug in rooms that accept wooden/linoleum floors. Although this won't make every bit much difference every bit floor insulation, it is nonetheless a uncomplicated way to keep your property warm.

Get a new thermostat

It is a good idea to employ programmable thermostats throughout your property. These tools allow you to set on and off fourth dimension periods for your boiler and select unlike temperatures in your abode at different times of the day. This ways that your property will be heated up when it needs to exist, and you tin can relieve money when you don't demand the heating on.

You could become one step further by installing a smart thermostat in your dwelling house. These thermostats require a WiFi connection and enable you to command your heating from a smart device wherever you are in the globe. This ways you can accommodate temperature, plow the heating on/off and reschedule your heating when y'all are at work, out for dinner or on the train.

Insulate your pipes and hot h2o tank

If you don't already, it is a expert idea to expect into insulating the pipes throughout your belongings. This will reduce the amount of heat lost, so yous spend less on heating water up and the hot water stays warm for longer. Slipping pipe insulation around any exposed hot water pipes is piece of cake if the pipes are accessible, and you lot tin can frequently complete the job yourself.

Similarly to pipe insulation, using a hot water tank jacket on an uninsulated tank will save energy and coin. All jackets should be at least 75mm thick, which will cut rut loss past more than 75%. Non only is this an piece of cake way to keep your belongings warm this winter, but it is cost effective too.

Service or supersede your boiler

To ensure your boiler is working at maximum capacity and efficiency, it needs to be serviced every year by a Gas Condom registered engineer. During a service the engineer will bank check, clean and supplant parts, catching potential problems earlier they cause a breakup and keeping gas bills as depression as possible.

If your banality is over viii years old, expensive to run and/or breaking down regularly, it may be fourth dimension to consider a replacement banality. Modern boilers have to be at least 92% efficient which ways that they simply waste 8p of every £1 you spend. When you compare this to the efficiency of older boilers (which are oftentimes less than 70% efficient), you can come across how a new boiler could salve y'all a noticeable corporeality of coin.

At Boiler Guide, nosotros have a network of Gas Safe registered heating engineers right across the Great britain and tin connect you with those who are based in your local surface area.

Merely complete our online class, which should only take a few moments, letting us know nearly the job you demand carrying out. You lot'll then get complimentary quotes from up to 3 heating engineers for you to compare.

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Luis Antonio Gómez Pérez

About the author

Luis Antonio Gómez Pérez

Trained as a journalist, Luis Antonio has plenty of experience researching and writing about the utilize of dissimilar energy sources for domestic purposes. He too keeps up to date with the future of domestic heating and how traditional and alternative heating solutions may impact household economic science.

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